Artist Statement
I am an artist who is highly inspired by color. For this reason, I paint abstractly so that color can be the subject of my paintings. Color is mysterious. It is a continual process for me as an artist to demonstrate how colors play on each other, and fit together. My emphasis is on the interaction of colors and the harmony, or dissonance created by putting the colors together on the same canvas. Texture and shapes impact how colors work together.
My work involves taking random sights and thoughts and filtering it through my own insight. Some examples of this are seeing a pattern of glowing bubbles in a fish tank, capturing the movement of a snow storm, or noticing color patterns in nature. It is these types of details that inspire me to create.
Kathy Trail was born and raised in Moscow, Idaho. There are creative genes passed down from both parents. Her first art success was at the age of 5 when she painted a giraffe to enter in the Latah County Fair. Her entry received a blue ribbon and she was hooked.
She attended the University of Idaho and graduated in 1990 with a B.S. degree in Communications. Following school, she worked in advertising, where she gained creative experience, an understanding of deadlines, and the importance of attention to detail. It began as a search for solitude in the middle of a crazy life, but ended up as a successful business that is very rewarding. She began selling her artwork in 2002.
Kathy feels blessed to have found her passion in life and enjoys creating commissioned paintings from her studio in Redmond Washington.
Professional Associations